They don’t make scores like this anymore – discover the beguilingly terrifying soundtrack combining old and new musical flavours by French composer François Evans at

We are delighted that Inherit the Witch is enhanced by 52 minutes of inspired music by film composer François Evans (whose IMDb page is here), which he has deployed throughout our film’s 85-minute duration with great finesse, minutely tailoring it to every scene and shot. Aside from all the compositional aspects of this finesse, the timing aspect of it is vital for a horror movie.

Cover of soundtrack by Francois Evans, for feature film 'inherit the Witch' directed by Cradeaux Alexander and produced by Rohan Quine

It’s been a pleasure to see and hear these 42 cues shimmer into existence. The sound of the ondes Martenot is a beautiful thing, fluid and sleek-surfaced, like mercury on its way to vaporising – spooky and classily mysterious. The Hammond organ is subtly redolent of classic cinematic horror. Ranging from the exciting (e.g. the cues “Fiona flees” and “Charnel house”) to the more quietly scary (e.g. “Eucharistia Oedipodionia” and “Very well then”) and to hints of whimsy and romance, the whole exotic team of live instruments and many kinds of electronic sounds all fit together, responsive to the dialogue and picture, in a rich and sophisticated way.

For the music’s mix into the finished film, we are also most grateful for the hard work and skill of our post-production sound-mixing team: our Supervising Sound Editor Daniel Piggott; and our Re-recording Mixer Euan Toms, who mixed François’s music and some judiciously-chosen effects into the dialogue. That dialogue and its accompanying location sound had been perfectly recorded, on both our New Forest shoot and our London basement shoot, by our great Sound Operator (and prolific behind-the-scenes Photographer in London), Solomon Watkins.

For the music by itself, click through to the following links and pick up a copy of François’s soundtrack album, which comes with handsomely-illustrated liner notes that tell the full story of how these grand musical landscapes were created.

The full movie can be watched here.



Inherit the Witch soundtrack album on Credits/home page


The following posts chart the progress of the creation of the music (listed here in reverse date order).

“It’s Out – Inherit the Witch Released!”

“09/2024 Inherit the Witch – Soundtrack Reviews”

“Inherit the Witch – Distribution Secured”

“Inherit the Witch Premièred” (about our private cast-and-crew screening, in whose photos François can be seen here)

“Inherit the Witch – Soundtrack Album” (where there’s an adorable toad, twirling on a turntable)

“Inherit the Witch – Score Mix Complete” (where there’s a photo of François in his La.M.P. Studio in France, conjuring with an array of technology that wouldn’t look out of place in a N.A.S.A. control room)

“Mixing Inherit the Witch Score” (where there are photos of many of the glorious array of venerable instruments you can hear in the score, and a photo of our Concertmaster and Additional Percussionist Christophe Evans playing drums and cymbals) 

“Inherit the Witch” (when our witch first set off on her musical broomstick)