“Infused with snappy attitude, this wildly offbeat British thriller playfully teases the audience with lively performances and an eye-catching visual style, using clever settings, camerawork and editing to make the most of a low budget. With a blackly comical tone, actor-filmmaker Cradeaux Alexander gleefully springs jump scares and grisly discoveries on the audience. It’s more of a bonkers horror treat than genuinely frightening, which definitely isn’t a bad thing. […] Like deranged puppet-masters, Pamela and Rex forcibly enlist Cory’s sex-obsessed boyfriend Lars (Sherwood) in their increasingly nefarious plan. […] Even with the heightened witchy nuttiness, performances have a nicely offhanded feel to them. Alexander provides a strong screen presence as a guy who has blocked his own memories of this chaos, and continues to reject it as long as possible. Quine provides a terrifically slippery, sinister presence, while Cairns is the most sympathetic character, increasingly unnerved by every new detail she unearths. As things get crazier, so does the acting, providing an entertaining kick. Stylistically, the film evokes camp British horror classics through its use of woozy camerawork, a freaky soundscape and tricks like split screens and jarring visions. While the plot is way over-the-top, it also has an intriguing subtext for families that have been splintered by events everyone simply refuses to speak of, fuelling denial, suppressed memories, power plays and darkly brewing grudges. And even if where this goes is more than a little ridiculous, it’s so much fun that we can’t look away.” – Shadows on the Wall
“The framework ingeniously manipulates time. […] The visual landscape of “Inherit the Witch” is as nuanced and complicated as its characters. […] The camerawork is stunning, with various framing approaches that convey closeness and remoteness. I am captivated by how the camera lingers on faces, capturing fleeting expressions that reveal more than dialogue could. […] The usage of split screens is particularly noteworthy, a daring approach that both disorients and intrigues. […] This tactic can be unsettling, but that is part of its brilliance. […] Rapid cuts heighten the sense of urgency during critical passages, whereas lingering views create a disturbing quiet that permits dread to sink in. The soundtrack, too, is captivating – a mix of disturbing noises and a score that alternates between dreamy and harsh. […] It’s a delicate balance that the film strikes with a mix of grace and discomfort. […] Bravely walks the edge between horror and comedy, a balancing act that feels thrilling and perilous. […] The tone of the film shifts between true terror and outrageous laughter, creating an unpredictable yet compelling atmosphere. […] It masterfully navigates the murky rivers of humor and horror, leaving me both amused and uneasy. […] The film’s focus on physical effects rather than CGI gives it a visceral sense that can be deceptively powerful. […] A film that capitalizes on its strengths, notably in terms of performance. Each actor adds a dimension that almost feels physical, changing what could have been a standard horror narrative into a rich tapestry of emotional complexity. Cory’s internal struggle, depicted with honest sensitivity, connects strongly. […] Fiona’s fierce drive to reclaim her narrative is equally riveting. […] “Inherit the Witch” has the potential to leave a lasting impression on the horror genre. Its combination of humor, heart, and eerie imagery prompts new dialogue. […] Expertly combines horror and humor, with outstanding performances delving into the complexities of family dynamics and intergenerational pain. Its creative use of practical effects and intriguing narrative elicits both laughter and introspection. […] The film’s raw authenticity and emotional depth offer a new take on the horror genre.” – Gazettely
“It’s a slow burn with a twist ending that will leave you speechless.” “If you’re looking for jump scares and stuff like that, this isn’t the place for you, baby, but I will say there’s a lot of dramatic tension. It’s very atmospheric […] I’m going to definitely recommend this movie. […] It packs a punch, is really interesting, it’s very interesting, especially there’s a twist at the end that comes out of fuckin’ nowhere that is pretty great. […] Where the pressure lies for this movie or where it shines, I should say, is the performances. […] We got some brilliant, really great performances that are holding the movie together and it’s great. Cradeaux is fantastic; and you know the character Rex is fantastic; and Lars, I don’t know if you’re Swedish in real life, but if you are British and you’re doing a Swedish accent, this is a very understated performance and I really like it; and Fiona, fan-fuckin’-tastic. […] So I will say those four in particular, fuckin’ standouts; and the woman who played Pamela was pretty great too, Imogen Smith, pretty great. […] I’m excited to see what more from Cradeaux Alexander, I’m excited to see where they’re going to go next – and yeah, I would definitely recommend.” – Booze Boobs and Blood Podcast
“A very nice piece of witchcraft cinema, especially because it has a solid set-up that doesn’t rely on genre tropes but puts its characters center stage, really putting its dark magic elements in the back seat until the rather exciting third act. And thanks to a directorial effort that stays subtle until letting things loose in the finale, elegant camerawork that gets the most out of its locations, and a strong and relatable cast, the whole thing comes alive rather nicely and makes for cool genre entertainment.” – Search My Trash
“Scary? Check. Strange? Oh yeah. Family drama/trauma? Of course. Witches? Bingo! Jump scares? A couple. […]. Notable Moment: Never trust someone named Lars. Or maybe do. That’s the problem with twisty witchy stories but definitely never trust someone named Rex. […] Notable Moment: ‘It felt like love, for all I know it was love.’ How are we getting poetry in such a messed up movie? And when I say messed up it is not necessarily an insult. […] Kudos to the makeup artists and SFX. […] Overall, a slow burn, more suspenseful than action packed and that’s all right. Good story, nice effects and helluva plot twist with the ending. […] Also, definitely don’t trust Rex! Ooh which is Latin for king … and they think… Oop! Nope, go watch it yourself.” – Autimagination Media And: “This #SlowBurn of a horror film is pretty dang chilling. It will make you look at your family a bit different but it’s up to you if that is a good or bad thing. Happy Spooky Season Witches!” – Autimagination Media‘s Pup Duffy
“A chilling addition to the psychological horror genre […] viewers are taken down a haunting rabbit hole where modern privilege and ancient evil prove to be two sides of the same diabolical coin. […] The talented ensemble cast, led by Alexander himself alongside Rohan Quine, Heather Cairns, and Christopher Sherwood, brings palpable depth to these flawed, layered characters. […] This grounded approach to the arcane forces at play makes the escalating occult horror all the more viscerally unsettling. […] With its deep, eerie roots, Inherit the Witch calls out to horror fans looking for a story that’s more mind-bending than your usual supernatural movie.” – Horror Facts
“The main character is gay and they’re very open about it, and it’s awesome. […] I really enjoyed the plot. The music in this movie: I actually noticed the music (which is unique for me, for longtime viewers of the channel). So the music in this movie was really good for setting the tone; it was really, really good. […] I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. […] And if you have a chance to check it out, I strongly recommend that you do. […] So please, go check out Inherit the Witch, when you get an opportunity.” – Let’s Talk, Entertainment
“Alexander excels at writing and delivering with his performance the ripe, spiky, barbed dialogue and it is these scenes that sees INHERIT THE WITCH shine the brightest. French composer François Evans soundtracks INHERIT THE WITCH superbly with retro synth/electronic sounds which not only make for the most welcome film score that I have heard in many years but also enhances the film’s Seventies throwback vibe. Filmed in the expansive, sprawling New Forest, which is just up the road from where I live, INHERIT THE WITCH taps into the area’s association with witchcraft – tourist area Burley is popular for that very reason – and it pays off.” – My Bloody Reviews
“Among its better features is the rather strong setup that allows for a fun time here unraveling a series of intricate plot threads […] creates a fine grounding for the dynamics that play a large part in what unfolds when everyone arrives. Knowing that there’s a series of secrets hidden beneath everything that helps to underline the way they’ve acted and changed over time as we get flashbacks to their childhood that features all sorts of occult happenings adds a fine layer to everything which gives this a strong overall setup. That setup also gives the film a chance to run wild with the supernatural shenanigans […] it goes nicely along with the reveals about the bloodline and how the cult of worshippers around her have gathered to put a plan in motion. […] These are imaginatively realized and provide some solid shocks alongside the gruesome effects on this kind of budget, giving it a lot to like.” – Don’s World of Horror and Exploitations
“Rarely do you find a film that not only portrays true-to-life witchcraft, but has clearly gone to pains to do so. For Inherit the Witch, that meant using props and artefacts from real occult practitioners and having an entire coven as consultants. Combined, it offers some of the most recognisably real spells and craft in amongst the cloak-and-shadows schlock put to screen (certainly this far on the fringes of the mainstream). Its New Forest setting also soaks up the storied history of witches in the area, infusing some of that strange magic on screen. […] Standout scenes from Christopher Sherwood and debut feature writer-director Cradeaux Alexander in the lead role. […] There are ample ways of reading the film’s messages – with conversion therapy, generational trauma, the price of privilege and more up for grabs. […] A handful of dialogue exchanges linger in the mind (Sherwood’s monologue about talismans being a standout). And the total normalisation of queerness in a low-budget horror film, an avenue for so long where queer bodies are forfeit, is always a win. […] The audacity to make Inherit the Witch is deserving of praise.” – Exquisite Terror
“Moments that approach chilling, such as the discovery of mutilated bodies in coven locations. […] The subplot of murdering to resurrect “mother” so she’ll run the coven adds depth. It attaches the horror of conversion therapy, generational trauma, and the price of privilege to the sibling squabbles. Hence, the film comes close to being a lovely two-hander in some moments when the speeches become long and emotional. […] The occult rituals are a treat even if they’re reminiscent of Hammer Films’ To The Devil A Daughter and even the British exploitation title Virgin Witch. […] Inherit the Witch is an interesting drama about a family with occult secrets in its closet. It feels much like an episode of the original classic series Dark Shadows. The acting, particularly from Christopher Sherwood as Lars and Alexander as lovers and fighters, stands out. Honorable mention goes to Cairns, who gives her performance her all.” – Film Threat
“Mister Alexander’s portrayal of Corey is so unlikable, so unredeeming, that he pulls it off really well. And I really enjoyed not liking his character.” – Troglodyte Horror and Cult Film Review
“Well, Hellooooo, camp as tits folk horror film! We have missed you! Inherit the Witch is a batshit crazy lower than lo fi UK film featuring an OTT witch running amok in the New Forest, plus a toxic gay couple and family drama galore.” – Kunstblog
“We have some good things going here. […] We see little things that make sense if you’re paying attention. This includes items disappearing; dots are connected, and it comes together. So, credit there. […] This does fall into being an LGBTQ+ movie; it doesn’t matter, though, outside of seeing Cory with his current boyfriend Lars portrayed by Christopher Sherwood. I get the idea that Rex is also gay, who is his cousin, I think, and he is portrayed by Quine. […] I’m a sucker when films involve witchcraft and rituals and cults. How this is managed here worked. It kept me curious to see where these things will go. This aspect helps to go to the climax – which I appreciated what kind of goes there. The story isn’t the deepest part, it’s more about the characters. Let’s go over to the acting next. Alexander is good as our lead: there’s an interesting blend of snark with compassion. […] Quine works, as this cousin who has had his life changed all these years ago. Cairns works, as this estranged sibling. Then Sherwood works, as this lover to Cory; I wasn’t expecting where his character went, so there is that. Smith is good, as this witch who is aging. […] They bring personality to their characters, which is good. I’d also say that this is made well enough. The best part here would be seeing the spells affect people, and then capturing that isolated feel of where it takes place.” – Journey with a Cinephile: A Horror Movie Podcast
“An intriguing premise with familiar themes and an interesting location. The New Forest has a storied past of witchcraft and occult activities. It’s a perfect tie-in that grounds the film in a measure of plausibility. […] The stars of Inherit the Witch are genuinely enjoyable to watch. Alexander and Cairns play well off each other and are believable as estranged siblings. Smith and Arends both give beautifully witchy performances in their shared role. Quine and Sherwood are also entertaining, as is the rest of the supporting cast. Additionally, it’s always nice to see a horror film center queer characters without focusing on the fact that they’re queer.” – Dread Central
“The film’s use of symbolism and metaphor is intriguing.” – Horror Facts
Evil runs in the family. Click the following links, to see some great press around Inherit the Witch, after our distributors Summer Hill Films and BayView Entertainment came on board. And remember: if you’re not afraid, you’re not alive… The full movie can be watched here.
[REVIEW] Gazettely: “Inherit the Witch Review: Family Secrets and Supernatural Shadows”
[REVIEW] Film Threat: “Inherit the Witch”
[REVIEW] Journey with a Cinephile: A Horror Movie Podcast: “Episode 257: Never Let Go/The Monster Maker”
Gruesome Magazine: “SCARRED FOR LIFE – October 2024 – Tony Timpone”
[REVIEW] Search My Trash: “Inherit the Witch”
[REVIEW] Don’s World of Horror and Exploitations: “Inherit the Witch (2024) by Cradeaux Alexander”
Spotlight on Kulture: “‘Inherit the Witch’ a new psychological thriller on Digital 24/9”
[REVIEW] Booze Boobs and Blood Podcast: “Watch with Rae! Inherit the Witch (2024) – Spoiler Free Review!”
[REVIEW] Shadows on the Wall: “Inherit the Witch”
[REVIEW] Autimagination Media: “Autimagination’s Review of ‘Inherit the Witch’”
[REVIEW] Let’s Talk, Entertainment: “Inherit the Witch (Movie Review)”
HorrorFatale: “New Trailer Tuesday – ‘Inherit The Witch’, on Digital September 24th”
[REVIEW] My Bloody Reviews: “Inherit the Witch (2024) Review”
[REVIEW] Horror Facts: “Inherit the Witch: [Review]”
Cult Faction: “Inherit The Witch trailer released”
Graveyard Show Podcast: “Inherit the Witch (Official Trailer)”
TV Grapevine: “Inherit the Witch Preview”
Bloody Flicks: “Inherit the Witch heading to Digital”
[REVIEW] Horror Facts: “Inherit the Witch Unveils a Diabolical Family Legacy”
Kinomania: “Ведьма в наследство / Inherit the Witch”
La Vanguardia: “Inherit the Witch”
Flickering Myth: “Psychological horror Inherit the Witch gets a trailer, poster and images” “Inherit the Witch”
Cinemabang: “Inherit The Witch”
Microsoft Start: “Inherit The Witch Trailer – official movie trailer HD”
aBaNDoMoVieZ: “Inherit the Witch (2024)”
Promote Horror: “‘Inherit The Witch’ – New Psychological Horror Available on Digital September 24th”
Dailymotion: “Inherit The Witch Trailer”
The Movie Waffler: “New Trailer and Poster for Occult Horror INHERIT THE WITCH”
Filmonizirani: “Inherit the Witch (2024)”
Horror Society: “Evil Runs in the Family in New Psychological Horror Inherit The Witch”
Horror Fuel: “Inherit the Witch: An Ancient Evil is Conjured in New Trailer”
Moviehooker: “Inherit The Witch: Press Release”
Culture Elixir: “‘Inherit The Witch’ / New Psychological Horror Available on Digital 24th September”
Movie Reviews 101: “Inherit the Witch – Release News”
Entertainment World: “Inherit The Witch / New Psychological Horror”
Coyote PR: “Inherit The Witch the New Psychological Horror Available on Digital this September”
EMM Report: “Evil Runs in the Family in New Psychological Horror – ‘Inherit the Witch’”
Timeshifters Podcast: “INHERIT THE WITCH coming to digital September 24th!”
Horror Brains: “Inherit The Witch (2024)”
Horror Movies Uncut: “‘Inherit The Witch; on UK Digital September 24th”

Click the following links, to see some fun press around Inherit the Witch, before our distributors Summer Hill Films and BayView Entertainment came on board. The full movie can be watched here.
LaMP Recordings – François Evans, Film Composer: music album purchase link [and see our SOUNDTRACK ALBUM page here]
Laboratoire Musical Phonoscopique / François Evans, Film Composer: Inherit the Witch on Credits page
MOVIES and MANIA: “INHERIT THE WITCH (2023) British family horror – preview with trailer”
Laboratoire Musical Phonoscopique / François Evans, Film Composer: “Inherit the Witch Premièred”
Joyhorror Entertainment: “Official Trailer released for ‘Inherit the Witch’ from Luxe Films”
Screen One: “Official Trailer released for ‘Inherit the Witch’ from Luxe Films”
Horror News: “Official Trailer released for ‘Inherit the Witch’ from Luxe Films”
The Rotting Zombie: News Anthology for 13th June 2023
Unexplained Confidential: “Official Trailer released for ‘Inherit the Witch’ from Luxe Films”
Dailymotion: “INHERIT THE WITCH Movie” [trailer]
Horror Asylum: “Official Trailer released for ‘Inherit the Witch’ from Luxe Films”
Horror Screams Videovault: “Official Trailer released for ‘Inherit the Witch’ from Luxe Films”
BritFlicks YouTube channel: “INHERIT THE WITCH Official Trailer (2023) UK Horror” “Official Trailer Released For ‘Inherit The Witch’ From Luxe Films”
Horror Society: “Official Trailer Released For ‘Inherit The Witch’ From Luxe Films”
LaMP Recordings – François Evans, Film Composer: “Inherit the Witch – Soundtrack Album”
Laboratoire Musical Phonoscopique / François Evans, Film Composer: “Mixing Inherit the Witch Score”
Laboratoire Musical Phonoscopique / François Evans, Film Composer: “Inherit the Witch” “‘Inherit The Witch’” “New Poster Released for Cradeaux Alexander’s Upcoming Film, ‘Inherit the Witch’”
Horror Society: “‘Inherit The Witch’ – On Location Stills From New Forest, Southern England” “‘Inherit The Witch’ – On Location Stills From New Forest, Southern England”
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Inherit the Witch at the Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Inherit the Witch trailer at the Internet Movie Database (IMDb)
Inherit the Witch music album by François Evans
Inherit the Witch at The Movie Database (TMDB)
Inherit the Witch YouTube playlist
Inherit the Witch Vimeo showcase
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Inherit the Witch trailer on YouTube